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So, you’d like to study virtually. What next?

Full-time virtual students

A direct-enrolled student is someone who studies full-time with Virtual School Victoria.

To enrol directly with VSV, you must fall under one of the five enrolment categories: medical (physical), medical (social and emotional), travel, sports/performance, distance or young adults.

To learn more about each enrolment category, visit VSV’s website.

Part-time virtual students

A school-based student in someone who studies one or two subjects with a virtual learning provider.

To enrol in one or two subjects with a virtual learning provider, you need the permission of your home school. This is because your home school has a role to play in supervising and supporting you in your online studies.

To learn more about the role of your home school, visit VSV’s website.

How to raise the option of virtual learning with your school

As a starting point, you could have a chat with your Year Level Coordinator about options to study virtually. You could ask your parent or guardian to set up a meeting with your Year Level Coordinator or principal to discuss these options.

You might like to consider:

  • Why you are considering virtual learning
  • How you would organise your studies
  • Your level of motivation and interest in the subject
  • Key enrolment dates and deadlines for your school to make a decision

Learn more about enrolment criteria and process for each of the providers:

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