What is virtual learning?

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Virtual learning, also known as online learning, involves learning and interacting with your teachers and peers in an online environment.

What is virtual learning?

Virtual learning, also known as online learning, involves learning and interacting with your teachers and peers in an online environment.

There are two types of virtual learning:

  • Virtual classroom (synchronous), where you attend regular classes and interact with your teacher and classmates in real time
  • On demand (asynchronous), where you watch pre-recorded lessons in your own time

You can access support by reaching out to your teacher, or organising regular catch-ups with your teacher/s and classmates.

There are many benefits to virtual learning. These include:

  • Flexibility: with virtual learning, you have the opportunity to study at your own pace, in a way that best meets your needs. You might be an athlete or performer who balances study with other commitments. Maybe you’re travelling interstate or living overseas for an extended period of time. There could also be health or personal reasons why learning virtually will work best for you.

  • Subject choice: virtual learning can expand your subject choice at VCE. Perhaps a subject that interests you isn’t currently offered at your school, or has a timetable clash with another subject. With your school’s support, you can enrol in up to two VCE subjects online.

There are also some challenges in virtual learning. These include:

  • Motivation: when you’re working independently, it can be hard to stay motivated. If you’re studying from home, you have to establish your own study routine. With limited face-to-face time with your teacher and classmates, it can be hard to know if you’re on track with your work.
  • Access to support: in a real or virtual classroom, you can raise your hand and ask your teacher for support in the moment. If you’re learning virtually ‘on demand’, you might need to follow up with your teacher at a later time.
What is blended learning?

Blended learning involves a mix of face-to-face teaching and virtual learning.

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